The quick answer is yes, they could. The injuries caused by fender benders or low speed accidents depend on a few factors such as the type of the cars …
Numbness and tingling in arms and legs are annoying, disrupting, and at higher intensity debilitating. What is the cause? Numbness and tingling are mostly experienced in arms and legs. …
The number two complaint of pregnant women (after morning sickness, number one complaint) is pelvis and low back pain. Change of physiology including weight gain and as a result …
You might be familiar with the word stenosis if you have been experiencing spinal pain for a while and most likely in your lower back and possibly in your …
Carapl Tennel Syndrome is one of the most common nerve entrapment conditions encountered in the population. Noramally it is caused by repetitive mechanical stress to wrist where median nerve …
Many pregnant women suffer from low back pain which could be debilitating at times. The treatment and therapies available to these expecting mothers are limited due to precautions taken …
“Sit upright”, ” Don’t Slouch”, Do these sentences remind you of your parents warningyou about your posture? A badposture not only appears unpleasant, but more importantly, itcould also cause …
Here are 7 ways to reduce the chances of experiencing headaches and to decrease the intensity and frequency of your headaches: 1. Improve your work and home ergonomics to …